| | | | --- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 68 | Mahner, F., Muttenthaler, L., Güçlü, U., & Hebart, M. (2024). [[Dimensions underlying the representational alignment of deep neural networks with humans]]. _arXiv_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2406.19087)]. #Preprint | | 67 | de Ruyter van Steveninck, J., Nipshagen, M., van Gerven, M., Güçlü, U., Güçlütürk, Y., & van Wezel, R. (2024). [[Gaze-contingent processing improves mobility, scene recognition and visual search in simulated head-steered prosthetic vision]]. _Journal of Neural Engineering_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-2552/ad357d)]. #Journal | | 66 | van der Grinten, M., de Ruyter van Steveninck, J., Lozano, A., Pijnacker, L., Rueckauer, B., Roelfsema, P., van Gerven, M., van Wezel, R., Güçlü, U., & Güçlütürk, Y. (2024). [[Towards biologically plausible phosphene simulation for the differentiable optimization of visual cortical prostheses]]. _eLife_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.85812)]. #Journal | | 65 | Oetringer, D., Gözükara, D., Güçlü, U., & Geerligs, L. (2024). [[The neural basis of event segmentation - Stable features in the environment are reflected by neural states]]. _bioRxiv_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.01.26.577369)]. #Preprint | | 64 | Gözükara, D., Oetringer, D., Geerligs, L., & Güçlü, U. (2023). [[Precision brain encoding under naturalistic conditions]]. In _Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.32470/CCN.2023.1567-0)]. #Conference | | 63 | Le, L., Papale, P., Lozano, A., Dado, T., Wang, F., van Gerven, M., Roelfsema, P., Güçlütürk, Y., & Güçlü, U. (2023). [[End-to-end reconstruction of natural images from multi-unit recordings with Brain2Pix]]. In _Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.32470/CCN.2023.1700-0)]. #Conference | | 62 | Mahner, F., Muttenthaler, L., Güçlü, U., & Hebart, M. (2023). [[Dimensions that matter - Interpretable object dimensions in humans and deep neural networks]]. In _Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.32470/CCN.2023.1291-0)]. #Conference | | 61 | Küçükoğlu, B., Rueckauer, B., Ahmad, N., de Ruyter van Steveninck, J., Güçlü, U., & van Gerven, M. (2022). [[Optimization of neuroprosthetic vision via end-to-end deep reinforcement learning]]. _International Journal of Neural Systems_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1142/S0129065722500526)]. #Journal | | 60 | Küçükoğlu, B., Borkent, W., Rueckauer, B., Ahmad, N., Güçlü, U., & van Gerven, M. (2022). [[Efficient deep reinforcement learning with predictive processing proximal policy optimization]]. _arXiv_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2211.06236)]. #Preprint | | 59 | Le, L., Ambrogioni, L., Seeliger, K., Güçlütürk, Y., van Gerven, M., & Güçlü, U. (2022). [[Brain2Pix - Fully convolutional naturalistic video frame reconstruction from brain activity]]. _Frontiers in Neuroscience_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2022.940972)]. #Journal | | 58 | Geerligs, L., Gözükara, D., Oetringer, D., Campbell, K., van Gerven, M., & Güçlü, U. (2022). [[A partially nested cortical hierarchy of neural states underlies event segmentation in the human brain]]. _eLife_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.77430)]. #Journal | | 57 | Mahner, F., Seeliger, K., Güçlü, U., & Hebart, M. (2022). [[Learning cortical magnification with brain-optimized convolutional neural networks]]. In _Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.32470/CCN.2022.1108-0)]. #Conference | | 56 | Armeni, K., Güçlü, U., van Gerven, M., & Schoffelen, J. (2022). [[A 10-hour within-participant magnetoencephalography narrative dataset to test models of language comprehension]]. _Scientific Data_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01382-7)]. #Journal | | 55 | Escalante, H., Kaya, H., Salah, A., Escalera, S., Güçlütürk, Y., Güçlü, U., Baró, X., Guyon, I., Jacques Junior, J., Madadi, M., Ayache, S., Viegas, E., Gürpınar, F., Wicaksana, A., Liem, C., van Gerven, M., & van Lier, R. (2022). [[Modeling, recognizing, and explaining apparent personality from videos]]. _IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1109/taffc.2020.2973984)]. #Journal | | 54 | de Ruyter van Steveninck, J., van Gestel, T., Koenders, P., van der Ham, G., Vereecken, F., Güçlü, U., van Gerven, M., Güçlütürk, Y., & van Wezel, R. (2022). [[Real-world indoor mobility with simulated prosthetic vision - The benefits and feasibility of contour-based scene simplification at different phosphene resolutions]]. _Journal of Vision_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1167/jov.22.2.1)]. #Journal | | 53 | de Ruyter van Steveninck, J., Güçlü, U., van Wezel, R., & van Gerven, M. (2022). [[End-to-end optimization of prosthetic vision]]. _Journal of Vision_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1167/jov.22.2.20)]. #Journal | | 51 | Jacques Junior, J., Güçlütürk, Y., Pérez, M., Güçlü, U., Andujar, C., Baró, X., Escalante, H., Guyon, I., van Gerven, M., van Lier, R., & Escalera, S. (2022). [[First impressions - a survey on vision-based apparent personality trait analysis]]. _IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1109/taffc.2019.2930058)]. #Journal | | 50 | Geerligs, L., van Gerven, M., & Güçlü, U. (2021). [[Detecting neural state transitions underlying event segmentation]]. _NeuroImage_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118085)]. #Journal | | 49 | Seeliger, K., Ambrogioni, L., Güçlü, U., & van Gerven, M. (2021). [[End-to-end neural system identification with neural information flow]]. _PLOS Computational Biology_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008558)]. #Journal | | 48 | Dallaire, P., Ambrogioni, L., Trottier, L., Güçlü, U., Hinne, M., Giguère, P., van Gerven, M., & Laviolette, F. (2020). [[The Indian chefs process]]. In _Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence_. [[URL](https://proceedings.mlr.press/v124/dallaire20a)]. #Conference | | 47 | Berezutskaya, J., Freudenburg, Z., Ambrogioni, L., Güçlü, U., van Gerven, M., & Ramsey, N. (2020). [[Cortical network responses map onto data-driven features that capture visual semantics of movie fragments]]. _Scientific Reports_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-68853-y)]. #Journal | | 46 | Berezutskaya, J., Freudenburg, Z., Güçlü, U., van Gerven, M., & Ramsey, N. (2020). [[Brain-optimized extraction of complex sound features that drive continuous auditory perception]]. _PLOS Computational Biology_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007992)]. #Journal | | 45 | Ras, G., Ambrogioni, L., Haselager, P., van Gerven, M., & Güçlü, U. (2020). [[Explainable 3D convolutional neural networks by learning temporal transformations]]. _arXiv_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2006.15983)]. #Preprint | | 44 | Escalera, S., Escalante, H., Baró, X., Guyon, I., Madadi, M., Wan, J., Ayache, S., Güçlütürk, Y., & Güçlü, U. (2020). [[Guest editorial - Image and video inpainting and denoising]]. _IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1109/tpami.2020.2971291)]. #Journal | | 43 | Ras, G., Dotsch, R., Ambrogioni, L., Güçlü, U., & van Gerven, M. (2019). [[Background hardly matters - Understanding personality attribution in deep residual networks]]. _arXiv_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1912.09831)]. #Preprint | | 42 | Ras, G., Ambrogioni, L., Güçlü, U., & van Gerven, M. (2019). [[Temporal factorization of 3D convolutional kernels]]. In _Benelux Conference on Machine Learning_. [[URL](https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2491/short106.pdf)]. #Conference | | 41 | Bokkers, L., Ambrogioni, L., & Güçlü, U. (2019). [[Segmentation of photovoltaic panels in aerial photography using group equivariant FCNs]]. In _Benelux Conference on Machine Learning_. [[URL](https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2491/paper105.pdf)]. #Conference | | 40 | Escalera, S., Ayache, S., Wan, J., Madadi, M., Güçlü, U., & Baró, X. (Eds.). (2019). _[[Inpainting and Denoising Challenges]]_. Springer Cham. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-25614-2)]. #Book | | 39 | Bollen, C., Güçlü, U., van Wezel, R., van Gerven, M., & Güçlütürk, Y. (2019). [[Simulating neuroprosthetic vision for emotion recognition]]. In _International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1109/aciiw.2019.8925229)]. #Conference | | 38 | van Gerven, M., Seeliger, K., Güçlü, U., & Güçlütürk, Y. (2019). [[Current advances in neural decoding]]. In _Explainable AI - Interpreting, Explaining and Visualizing Deep Learning_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-28954-6_21)]. #Chapter | | 37 | Seeliger, K., Ambrogioni, L., Güçlü, U., & van Gerven, M. (2019). [[Neural information flow - Learning neural information processing systems from brain activity]]. In _Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.32470/CCN.2019.1010-0)]. #Conference | | 36 | Thielen, J., Güçlü, U., Güçlütürk, Y., Ambrogioni, L., Bosch, S., & van Gerven, M. (2019). [[DeepRF - Ultrafast population receptive field mapping with deep learning]]. _bioRxiv_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1101/732990)]. #Preprint | | 35 | Ambrogioni, L., Güçlü, U., & van Gerven, M. (2019). [[k-GANs - Ensemble of generative models with semi-discrete optimal transport]]. _arXiv_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1907.04050)]. #Preprint | | 34 | Seeliger, K., Sommers, R., Güçlü, U., Bosch, S., & van Gerven, M. (2019). [[A large single-participant fMRI dataset for probing brain responses to naturalistic stimuli in space and time]]. _bioRxiv_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1101/687681)]. #Preprint | | 33 | Ambrogioni, L., Ebel, P., Hinne, M., Güçlü, U., van Gerven, M., & Maris, E. (2019). [[SpikeCaKe - Semi-analytic nonparametric bayesian inference for spike-spike neuronal connectivity]]. In _International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics_. [[URL](https://proceedings.mlr.press/v89/ambrogioni19b)]. #Conference | | 32 | Ambrogioni, L., Güçlü, U., Berezutskaya, J., van den Borne, E., Güçlütürk, Y., Hinne, M., Maris, E., & van Gerven, M. (2019). [[Forward amortized inference for likelihood-free variational marginalization]]. In _International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics_. [[URL](https://proceedings.mlr.press/v89/ambrogioni19a)]. #Conference | | 31 | Escalante, H., Escalera, S., Guyon, I., Baró, X., Güçlütürk, Y., Güçlü, U., & van Gerven, M. (Eds.). (2019). _[[Explainable and Interpretable Models in Computer Vision and Machine Learning]]_. Springer Cham. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-98131-4)]. #Book | | 30 | Ambrogioni, L., Güçlü, U., Güçlütürk, Y., Hinne, M., van Gerven, M., & Maris, E. (2018). [[Wasserstein variational inference]]. In _Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems_. [[URL](http://papers.nips.cc/paper/by-source-2018-1244)]. #Conference | | 29 | Ambrogioni, L., Güçlü, U., Güçlütürk, Y., & van Gerven, M. (2018). [[Wasserstein variational gradient descent - From semi-discrete optimal transport to ensemble variational inference]]. _arXiv_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1811.02827)]. #Preprint | | 28 | Seeliger, K., Güçlü, U., Ambrogioni, L., Güçlütürk, Y., & van Gerven, M. (2018). [[Generative adversarial networks for reconstructing natural images from brain activity]]. _NeuroImage_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.07.043)]. #Journal | | 27 | Seeliger, K., Fritsche, M., Güçlü, U., Schoenmakers, S., Schoffelen, J., Bosch, S., & van Gerven, M. (2018). [[Convolutional neural network-based encoding and decoding of visual object recognition in space and time]]. _NeuroImage_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.07.018)]. #Journal | | 26 | Güçlütürk, Y., Güçlü, U., Baró, X., Escalante, H., Guyon, I., Escalera, S., van Gerven, M., & van Lier, R. (2018). [[Multimodal first impression analysis with deep residual networks]]. _IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1109/taffc.2017.2751469)]. #Journal | | 25 | Güçlütürk, Y., Güçlü, U., van Gerven, M., & van Lier, R. (2018). [[Representations of naturalistic stimulus complexity in early and associative visual and auditory cortices]]. _Scientific Reports_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-21636-y)]. #Journal | | 24 | Güçlütürk, Y., Güçlü, U., Seeliger, K., Bosch, S., van Lier, R., & van Gerven, M. (2017). [[Reconstructing perceived faces from brain activations with deep adversarial neural decoding]]. In _Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems_. [[URL](http://papers.nips.cc/paper/by-source-2017-2227)]. #Conference | | 23 | Ambrogioni, L., Berezutskaya, J., Güçlü, U., van den Borne, E., Güçlütürk, Y., van Gerven, M., & Maris, E. (2017). [[Bayesian model ensembling using meta-trained recurrent neural networks]]. In _Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Workshops_. [[URL](https://meta-learn.github.io/2017/papers/metalearn17_ambrogioni.pdf)]. #Conference | | 22 | Güçlü, U., Güçlütürk, Y., Ambrogioni, L., Maris, E., van Lier, R., & van Gerven, M. (2017). [[Algorithmic composition of polyphonic music with the WaveCRF]]. In _Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Workshops_. [[URL](https://nips2017creativity.github.io/doc/WaveCRF.pdf)]. #Conference | | 21 | Güçlütürk, Y., Güçlü, U., Pérez, M., Escalante, H., Baró, X., Andujar, C., Guyon, I., Jacques Junior, J., Madadi, M., Escalera, S., van Gerven, M., & van Lier, R. (2017). [[Visualizing apparent personality analysis with deep residual networks]]. In _International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1109/iccvw.2017.367)]. #Conference | | 20 | Güçlü, U., & van Gerven, M. (2017). [[Probing human brain function with artificial neural networks]]. In _Computational Models of Brain and Behavior_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119159193.ch30)]. #Chapter | | 19 | Berezutskaya, J., Freudenburg, Z., Güçlü, U., van Gerven, M., & Ramsey, N. (2017). [[Neural tuning to low-level features of speech throughout the perisylvian cortex]]. _The Journal of Neuroscience_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1523/jneurosci.0238-17.2017)]. #Journal | | 18 | Berezutskaya, J., Freudenburg, Z., Ramsey, N., Güçlü, U., & van Gerven, M. (2017). [[Modeling brain responses to perceived speech with LSTM networks]]. In _Benelux Conference on Machine Learning_. [[URL](https://pure.tue.nl/ws/files/72619856/benelearn_2017.pdf#page=150)]. #Conference | | 17 | Ambrogioni, L., Güçlü, U., van Gerven, M., & Maris, E. (2017). [[The kernel mixture network - a nonparametric method for conditional density estimation of continuous random variables]]. _arXiv_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1705.07111)]. #Preprint | | 16 | Escalante, H., Guyon, I., Escalera, S., Jacques Junior, J., Madadi, M., Baró, X., Ayache, S., Viegas, E., Güçlütürk, Y., Güçlü, U., van Gerven, M., & van Lier, R. (2017). [[Design of an explainable machine learning challenge for video interviews]]. In _International Joint Conference on Neural Networks_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1109/ijcnn.2017.7966320)]. #Conference | | 15 | Güçlü, U., Güçlütürk, Y., Madadi, M., Escalera, S., Baró, X., González, J., van Lier, R., & van Gerven, M. (2017). [[End-to-end semantic face segmentation with conditional random fields as convolutional, recurrent and adversarial networks]]. _arXiv_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1703.03305)]. #Preprint | | 14 | Güçlü, U., & van Gerven, M. (2017). [[Modeling the dynamics of human brain activity with recurrent neural networks]]. _Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.3389/fncom.2017.00007)]. #Journal | | 13 | Ambrogioni, L., Güçlü, U., Maris, E., & van Gerven, M. (2017). [[Estimating nonlinear dynamics with the ConvNet smoother]]. _arXiv_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1702.05243)]. #Preprint | | 12 | Güçlü, U., & van Gerven, M. (2017). [[Increasingly complex representations of natural movies across the dorsal stream are shared between subjects]]. _NeuroImage_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.12.036)]. #Journal | | 11 | Güçlü, U., Thielen, J., Hanke, M., & van Gerven, M. (2016). [[Brains on beats]]. In _Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems_. [[URL](http://papers.nips.cc/paper/by-source-2016-1108)]. #Conference | | 10 | Güçlütürk, Y., Güçlü, U., van Gerven, M., & van Lier, R. (2016). [[Deep impression - Audiovisual deep residual networks for multimodal apparent personality trait recognition]]. In _European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-49409-8_28)]. #Conference | | 9 | Güçlütürk, Y., Güçlü, U., van Lier, R., & van Gerven, M. (2016). [[Convolutional sketch inversion]]. In _European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46604-0_56)]. #Conference | | 8 | Güçlü, U., & van Gerven, M. (2015). [[Semantic vector space models predict neural responses to complex visual stimuli]]. In _Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Workshops_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1510.04738)]. #Conference | | 7 | Güçlü, U., & van Gerven, M. (2015). [[Deep neural networks reveal a gradient in the complexity of neural representations across the ventral stream]]. _The Journal of Neuroscience_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1523/jneurosci.5023-14.2015)]. #Journal | | 6 | Schoenmakers, S., Güçlü, U., van Gerven, M., & Heskes, T. (2015). [[Gaussian mixture models and semantic gating improve reconstructions from human brain activity]]. _Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.3389/fncom.2014.00173)]. #Journal | | 5 | Güçlü, U., & van Gerven, M. (2014). [[Unsupervised feature learning improves prediction of human brain activity in response to natural images]]. _PLOS Computational Biology_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003724)]. #Journal | | 4 | Güçlü, U., & van Gerven, M. (2013). [[Unsupervised learning of features for Bayesian decoding in functional magnetic resonance imaging]]. In _Benelux Conference on Machine Learning_. [[URL](https://benelearn2013.org/pdfs/paper_27.pdf)]. #Conference | | 3 | Güçlütürk, Y., Güçlü, U., & Samraj, A. (2010). [[An online single trial analysis of the P300 event related potential for the disabled]]. In _IEEE Convention of the Electrical and Electronic Engineers in Israel_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1109/EEEI.2010.5662211)]. #Conference | | 2 | Güçlü, U., Güçlütürk, Y., & Loo, C. (2010). [[Evaluation of fractal dimension estimation methods for feature extraction in motor imagery based brain computer interface]]. In _World Conference on Information Technology_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2010.12.098)]. #Conference | | 1 | Güçlü, U., Güçlütürk, Y., & Samraj, A. (2010). [[A novel approach to improve the performance of the P300 speller paradigm]]. In _IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSMC.2010.5641814)]. #Conference |