## Frontmatter
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| Authors | [[Umut Güçlü]], [[Marcel van Gerven]] |
| Date | 2015/12 |
| Source | [[Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Workshops]] |
| URL | https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1510.04738 |
| Citation | Güçlü, U., & van Gerven, M. (2015). [[Semantic vector space models predict neural responses to complex visual stimuli]]. In _Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Workshops_. [[URL](https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1510.04738)]. #Conference |
## Abstract
Encoding models have as their objective to predict neural responses to naturalistic stimuli with the aim of elucidating how sensory information is represented in the brain. This prediction is achieved by representing the stimulus in terms of a suitable feature space and using this feature space to linearly predict observed neural responses. Here, we investigate to what extent semantic vector space models can be used to predict neural responses to complex visual stimuli. We show that these models provide good predictions of neural responses in downstream visual areas, improving significantly over a low-level control model based on Gabor wavelet pyramids. The outlined approach provides a new way to model and map high-level semantic representations across cortex.
## PDF
![[Semantic vector space models predict neural responses to complex visual stimuli.pdf]]